Friday, April 4, 2008

Last Touch Up (10th Place)

chinese new year is tomorrow! yay! today, me and my family did some last touch up on our house. cleaning and cleaning. but my most fav part is decorating. i have alredy told u half of my chinese new year decoration so i am not going to list it down again. we prepared the food for the guest to eat (although we ourselves eat more), foods for the ancestors, getting ready to challenge the taboos, more cleaning, family reunion dinners and decoratrions

those who are strict chinese would noe the basic taboos during chinese new year. the most famous of all is not eating meat and eggs during the first day of chinese new year. there is no proper superstisious nonsense about this rule. this taboo is created to avoid killing on that day since is a new year for everyone.

other taboo would be avoid doing anything that have to do with books cos in mandarin, book is pronounced 'shu' which also sounds like losing. water with the same reason for 'sui' which means bad.

anyway, as i was saying, i love decorating. this time, i was joined with my parents. here are all the decos in my hse:

is my first post with pictures on it. besides, i like these decorations. well, i like angpows more. :P
Beta Zeta Delta (9th Place)

2008 starts and the gang cina is destroyed by the stupid computer that sets us apart. we were sent to diffrent parts of pure science stream classes which are:

1) Gamma
2) Delta
3) Omega
4) Zeta
5) Sigma
6) Beta

Alan was the only gang cina sent to gamma while yee leng is the only gamma sent to omega. yvonne is the only member of the gang cina to be sent to sigma while me and ryan were sent to beta. matthew, sheng ling, adrienne and marissa were in zeta while eng khim, yew han and hon sang in delta. im not sure about lih shyan though. lose contact with him d.

besides the fact that i got only 1 fren and my class is way back near the 'dessert' my class 4 beta is ok to me actually. i rather prefer sitting on a real desk rather than share a long stretch of blue table with nothing to lean on since i will be sitting on a stool. in 4 beta, i have a personal desk with no one to share with except the christian prayers, a place to put my stuff and a chair to lean on. however, the only problem and also the most major is that i will have no frens there. ryan will be moving to other class from the persuasion from his parents to the teacher and that he got sinense (cant spell) and the class is near the sandy area so chances is that he will get the permission to do so.

most of my frens will be switching to delta like sheng who is trying to switch and alan who alredy got the permission to switch classes by switching with one of the delta's student. matthew wants to switch but he think there will be no more space d. everyone were sort of against me that why i dun wan to switch. here is a few reasons:

1) i got no one to swap place with. no ones want to be in beta. why? is becos most of them are etas and thats why they got frens there d. the outsider would not wan to switch here cos there will only be like 1 or no fren at all.

2) unlike ryan, my parents wont waste their time coming to school to change my class. dun ask why cos it is just impossible. my parents rather me stay in that class as the teacher's choice.

3) i felt comfortable d. if i suddenly get to a new class i have to change all my records and i will feel odd. plus, i felt abit mean. imagine u r pn lee hee ai (my class teacher) and people were so dying to get out of ur class to be in another class. it felt kinda, sad.

i reallly dun mind changing but i bet it will be very mafan (annoying). so far, matthew ask the zeta's boys and none of them wants to switch. eng khim told me that all the boys in delta want to stay put. they love their class. so i got no choice. i talk to matthew d that maybe we can go try to plead teacher to send me to zeta. although most people ask me to go delta but matthew hav a point that the teacher most probably will let so many people change into one class.

whether it will work or not, i dunnoe yet. if i hav to spend my loneliness in beta, i think i can handle it. the people there arent that unfriendly. i manage to do some simple talk with them. i am currently mixing with wai shawn and chai lim. chai lim however wants to switch d. wai shawn is okay since he sits right next to me, but can be abit quiet. or maybe i am quiet. anyways, we both dun talk to each other much.

other people in zeta that i know their name is:
1) Ruben
2) Deva Priya
3) Nicol
4) Stephanie
5) Alyssa
8) Kishan
9) Kyle
10) Farhan
11) Suhaila
12) Adilan
13) Nursyazwan
14) Eric
15) Min Jeat
16) Su Mei
17) Jo Yi
18) Johann
19) Guang Yi

my class teacher who is also my add maths teacher is pn lee hee ai. she is nice b ut hav a bad english. my english teacher is pn rose chai but now miss rowena will take over her until her training period is over. my bm teacher is pn norzalati sumthing like that. i dun noe mind sejarah teacher's name but he is a malay man, short and plum. glasses and a very dark eye bag.

AGM meeting is okey when it comes to Hang Kasturi AGM and Taekwondo AGM meeting. however, academic and non academic clubs is very confusing. matthew kept changing mind and i tot since we are diffrent class myself follow him lah when comes to club and sports. we picked interact first but eventually decided to go for YEP insted. thanks to that non stop blabbing Andy, matthew became sesat when andy said that YEP is not good and this and that. we then switch to THE most boring club i had ever join, the History and Geography Club. although it is boring but the amount of member is only less than 15 peoples. and ame and matthew are the only form 4s. lol. matthew got the post as AJK form 4 easily. most members i see were prefects like felicity, chee siang and wei zheng. i think they are aiming for the same thing. anyways, through eng khim, i got an entry form to YEP.

sports felt odd to. me, matt and eng hkim picked table tennis hoping to score a position as well (i desperatly need a pose cos my cocu points should be VERY low). matthew's popularity scored him a vice president job. using his popularity and bribing and also with a pinch of give and take
i managed to get the tresurer. i felt really thanked to matthew ans without him i would hav never won the election. according to him, my diffrence with joanna was by 1 vote. however, every good there is a bad thing. the way he ask everyone to vote for me makes me feel abit cheap, no offence matthew. i am not blaming u but blaming myself for being so emotional. i should think like matt to get a post without worrying about everyone else thoughts.

we try to help eng khim get the ajk form 4 but guang yi stole it by 3 votes. it was 18 to 15. eng khim was third. felt sorry for him. he dun even wan to be in ping pong class in the first place. he wanted to be in badminton club insted.

anyways, i am back to worrying about me able and unable to switch class. chances would be a no. although ryan told me that he dun mind staying in beta with me but i know he really wans to go with u guys. since he got an advantage with his parents most probably he will get it. so for that, i told him that i will find a way but honestly, besides begging i couldnt find any other way. but like i said, i dun mind being alone. is not that bad there, i think. jus dun give me so much negative comments about 4 beta and how much happy u guys are together, i think i will make it. lol. so dramatic.

the split of the Gang Cina. Changes our friendship among each other in a very big deal. is also, one of the few things that will affect my life in the future. anyways, is not posted in this post but i am currently in 4 Zeta instead after a double switch from Beta to Gamma to Zeta.
Old Friends (8th Place)

I have met a few old friends this 3 years. Some of them are close and some aren't. some i dreaded to meet them. a few of them which i manage to meet them and exchange a few words is .one of them, is the 'Wilson'. the reason i put the 'the' cos he is the person i wish i could jus forget and vice versa.

u guys may think i am mean but trust me, u du not want to hang out with him. more over he is well known for the title, crybaby. not only in my school, but sri kl as well (according to matthew). i met him during my second year in primary school. he is very lonely and quiet (for a reason) so i decide to be friends with him. and i regret it. as far as i remember, he do things that makes his social ladder fall. his mouth talks like his eyes is made of diamonds, his breath is tinkerbell's dust and his whole body is made of gold. he is so irratating that no ones except me actually be friends with him. and the reson i said so is becos i am the only person he invited on his birthday party (btw, his birthday is on the 31 of october although according to him, his actual birthdate is 1st january). he left the very next year which is like phew.

i met him back this year in tuiton. when he came to the class, i recognise that face and i was like trying to hide my face form him. he then took the seat beside me n i start to freak. later, my best tuiton friend came to class and took the seat beside me which evetually split me and wilson. but then..., my friend, daniel, apparently is a close firend of wilson. which eventually he intoduced each other and the phrase begin, 'hi! long time no see' and i was thinking, 'and i could wait longer'. he couldnt stop bragging about how great during primary school he is where he do this and that while i do this and that which i had no image of it. i mean, if i almost fell on to the largest longkang in ss19, i would remember but i didnt. and everyday he will say 'my handphone is so chun' and 'did u noe, i got chase by dogs everyday.n i hav to run and yadayadayada'. hearing a chicken claking all day is better.

the 2nd old friend i met during my secondary school is cindy yong yung xi. one of the most poplar girl during my year. abit bitchy here and there and it seems like she took her pretty face a bit for granted. i met her 2 times in this 3 years. one is when my sis went for her sis birthday party (they r clos friends) and i manage to get a glimps of her through the car window while dropping my sis of. we just gave each other a slight wave. the 2nd time was during this year hari keluarga in school. im not sure she recognise me or not as i was wearing my sunglasses (most of u noe y). anyway, we chat for awhile (as in buiseness talk about selling my class' stuff to her).

number 3 goes to arvind. i only met him once and i du not wan to meet him again. the last time we went for an outing, he run like a jacoon. running here and there becos of a pokemon EX card which i bought it. i ws so embarassed that i actually hide at the corner while he play catch me if u can. this year which is recently, he invited me and ryan to go on an outing again. as u guys noe, i am not allowed to go out until december so i use that reason to avoid him.

beside the, i oso met ignatius, ignatious, ignatios or sumthing like that. he is one of my closest friend in primary but honestly i dun really think he notice me much in school unless he need my help (fyi, i tink he is one of the popular guys) which made me a bit surprise he actually remember me and my name. we met 2 times this year. one in the arcade at sunway. i think ek and alan ws with me that time. we jus hav a short chat and i noticed he had pierced his ear, which is a bit suspected and abit not. according to him, his mother ask him to pierce. weird rite. recenlty, i met him at my housing area, usj16. i was kinda shock seeing him. i was sitting in a car while he was walking. we manage to gave each other a shock glance and gave a wave. i think he might live either near or at usj16.

last but not least, natalie. 'wu' as in not 'tai'. i only met her once but we only said 'hi'. i became close friends starting from standard 5 where we join the same 2 tuiton in standard 5 and six. we r also classmates although we dun speak to each other much in class. however, in tuiton i think we got along okey. she is also the only girl in our bm hse tuiton. me, lau jun and natalie were close friends as in the tuiton, we r the one in the same school (i think arvind is in too). even our parents talk to each through phone exchanging information about tuitons and stuff like that. we met outside of macdonals at ss10 aka taipan. she was headin to her tuiton i think while i jus came out from mcdonalds. we gave each other a suspicious look before saying hi then we split.

this are the five people of my primary friend that we met after we split in our primary years.

this post brings back the memories during my primary school. plus, i get to look back and what do i think about these peoples