Friday, April 4, 2008

Last Touch Up (10th Place)

chinese new year is tomorrow! yay! today, me and my family did some last touch up on our house. cleaning and cleaning. but my most fav part is decorating. i have alredy told u half of my chinese new year decoration so i am not going to list it down again. we prepared the food for the guest to eat (although we ourselves eat more), foods for the ancestors, getting ready to challenge the taboos, more cleaning, family reunion dinners and decoratrions

those who are strict chinese would noe the basic taboos during chinese new year. the most famous of all is not eating meat and eggs during the first day of chinese new year. there is no proper superstisious nonsense about this rule. this taboo is created to avoid killing on that day since is a new year for everyone.

other taboo would be avoid doing anything that have to do with books cos in mandarin, book is pronounced 'shu' which also sounds like losing. water with the same reason for 'sui' which means bad.

anyway, as i was saying, i love decorating. this time, i was joined with my parents. here are all the decos in my hse:

is my first post with pictures on it. besides, i like these decorations. well, i like angpows more. :P

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