Friday, March 28, 2008

Hari Keluarga (7th Place)

Hari Keluarga is over. though i did not last myself to the end but i tink i can consider myself as one of the most hardworking in our class food booth (note: i seldom bragged about myself, i tink). the reason i said so is because i hated walking in crowded place so i prefered to be stucked inside the food booth and since im free, i worked there for almost the whole day. i didnt even played any games during the hari keluarga. maybe bought a few things but 50% of things i bought is from our food booth itself. however, i did went an explore around, crowded. thats all i can say. a few stallas i spotted that attracted me besides the food stalls are:

1) our class be turned into Secret Cafe (replica of Secret Recipe i tink)
2) 3Gamma (my class) hair saloon, damn crowded.
3) Moon Buck, is a food stall but it reminds me of Star Buck.
4) Get Your Revenge, some splashing water ballon on people u wan revenge on.
5) Spook houese, grind house, ghost house, there are 3 rumah hantu and all also very sucessful
6) bowling alley, VERY EMPTY! our hair saloon is actually sharing stall with the bowling alley stall and is so empty compared wif ours.
7) gladiator competition, some one on one comp games.
8) a stall selling magazines, that is quite unique.

well, thats merely all i noticed around. is rely crowded and i hav to squeeze myself here and there. so i stucked myself in the food booth where i helped there alot. becaose of that, i knew excatly who helped out in the food booth and how long.

Who helped in the food booth:
1) pn. sulo, she did the most work of all.
2) Hanisah, also helped alot but disapear to somewhere when we need the biggest help of all (the time when the crowds NEED nasi tomato, roti jala and pasta)
3) Matthew (help to scream and jump around but he did help, not hardworking though)
4) Me
5) Afiq, didnt help most of the time but he gave a gret help during the part when we need lots of help.
6) Yvonne, she helped for awhile after her cheer.
7) Wei Lian, helped almost at the end of hari keluarga, selling the fruit punch.
8) Alya, she also helped alot and most of the time as well.
9) Ros, im not sure whut she did but i remembered she helped.
10) Ryan, helped for awhile wif the fruit punch.
11) Sheng L, helped for awhile wif ryan wif the Fruit Punch.
12) Natalie, helped alot when the "big help needed" time almost over.
13) Yew Han, i remember once where only me, him and pn sulo left in the booth.
14) Muz, he came over after the end of the saloon and helped me wif the nasi tomato.
15) Leon, he helped at first wif the heavy work but loaf of later.
16) Heng Wai, helped screaming only.
17) Adrienne, she helped for ahwile then complaint to pn. sulo that she is tired.
18) Bryan, helped during the starting but off to the saloon later.
19) Hon Sang, same as bryan.
20) Khaled, helped me during the coming of the second batch of nasi tomato.
21) Wan Jun, my best assistant.

those who helped me (i didnt say im the boss but those who tlaked to me and helped each other):
1) Pn. Sulo
2) Wan Jun
3) Muz
4) Yvonne
5) Afiq
6) Yew Han
these people helped me wif the plastic, my worst nightmare.

when the roti jala, pasta and nasi tomato became a great sale, we hav to opened all those sticky plastic bag and is not easy at first. most of us were stucked with it and evendo we opened it, our packing service was terrible. is hard to make it stand horizontally in the vertically standing plastic bag (if u didnt help u wont understand whut am i saying). plus we hav to hurry bcos that was the time when most customer got hungry and they were hurrying us. becos of that pn sulo came out wif a plan which is to opened up all the plastic first and i did as was told. it did became easier. and after awhile, i had no problem wif opening the plastic and packing. lol.

i have listed the food we sold according to the best sold position:
18th: FRUIT JUICE, didnt even sold a sip. (by, Pn Sulo)
17th: ICE LOLLY, only sold 2, if not mistaken. (by, Pn Sulo)
16th: BLUEBERRY BUN, not many bought it cos is expensive and looked ugly. (?)
15th: CHOCOLATES, sold only 5. (by, me)
14th: CORNFLAKES CHOCOLATE, it made a better hit compared to the bun and chocolate. (by, Natalie)
13th: CHOCOLATE CAKE, okey, some bought. (by, Alan)
12th: CURRYPUFF, many ladies love to buy it. (by, Afiq)
11th: MURUKU, not a bad sale actually. (by, Pn Sulo)
10th: CHOCOLATE MUFFINS, is was not a good sale at first but sold finished at the end (by, marissa)
9th: ROCK BUNS, appetizing, (?)
8th: CARBONATED DRINKS, i was only a gud hit at the end of the day. (by Pn Sulo)
7th: CHOCOLATE CHIPPED MUFFIN, it sold of first but amount not outstanding. (by Sheng Ling)
6TH: HERSHEY BROWNIES, is was not huge hit at first until the end. (by, Hanisah)
5th: CHICKEN WING, sold of finished second placing but amount not outstanding enough. (by Wan Jun)
4th: PASTA, sold of third but again, amount is less than 70. (by Annie)
3rd: ROTI JALA, sold of fourth and people asked for more when is sold out. (by Ros)
2nd: FRUIT PUNCH, have to refil the tank almost 3 times. (by Hanisah)
1st: NASI TOMATO, is was supposed to be the third to be sold of but pn sulo called for second batch and people actually waited fopr one hour for the nasi tomato to arived. plus the amount is alot and is sold out at the end! (by Pn Sulo and Alya)

our hais saloon is also a gret buiseness thanxs to:
1) Zarul
2) Khaled
3) Murthadha
4) Hasif
5) Muzzafar
6) Izzudin
7) Marissa
8) Li Hsien
9) Yee Leng
10) Nadzlin
11) Annie
12) Bryan
13) Hon Sang
14) Syafiqah
15) Lih Shyan
16) Khairie.

i wanted to highlighted my hair atfirst but when i found out matt is number 32, i totally forget about the idea. plus the line and crowd is so UGGH!! so i jus skipped the whole thing.

thats merely all. we took pictures when it comes to the end. it ws not bad i tink. i kinda enjoyed myself except the fact that i did not sell most of my chocolates bcos teachers promoted it late like 1.30pm and that time all go home and not intrested in tit bits anymore. T.T. but i did sold many things and im glad i actually did put lot of effort in it. evendo u guys may not noticed it but i standed in that booth working like hell from 9.30am - 1.30pm wif 2 breaks in the middle but not long.

i left at 2. i hope our class won. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bless me. oh ya, almost forget, i had to wear two layer of glasses during the day, my nromal glasses and a pair of sunglasses. i had to protect my red, bloody eyes to avoid scraing customer. however, cheam and afiq persuaded me to take it off but i didnt the end.

thats it, i noe this post is long. sry bout that. :P

i didnt post about the trip to melaka which is my first school/class trip of my life and was one of my few best day ever. how i love that trip. i had never had so much fun even when i went out with my family. well, i didnt post about the melaka trip but this post is almost as good.
PMR Results Day (6th Place)

today is the day i have been waiting for and dreaded ofr at the same time. the day where my PMR results will b announced. i arrive at school at about 10am, meeting the rest of my frens near the canteen. like me, all of them were in a nervous breakdown. what is worst is that the teachers are torchering us by having a meeting and forced us to wait until 11.30am.

is kinda funny to see the great teacher's meeting as all the teachers, group together in 2 classroom and start discussing. actually, most of them werent even paying attention, jus like us, never pay attention in class. some were chatting among their own, some was day dreaming and pn akmaliza wave hi to us in the middle of the meeting.

at about 11.30 pm or so, delta class results were given. sadly, i am not in delta so me and my frens waited again. not long then, pn sulo, our class teacher came and sat down at the sumbang sih hall. some of us scream in excitement and nervousity. hon sang was the first to redeemed his results. he got 7 a's with a normal wide smile. not a surprise thing actually, he got the tittle, best boy in our class 2 times in the entire 3 years of Gamma class. matthew was second, he got straight a's as well, and started to jump with joy. ryan came in next, with shengs confident that if matts get he will get too, and she was right. i didnt see his reaction as i was next and too focused on my own results. and i got 7 A's!! YAY!!!! so happy. didnt expect it actually.

i was so worried on bm, english, sejarah and science. but i made it through. the only thing that made me lower than the rest of my frens is my practical history portfolio. i got 'kepujian' which is something like B while the rest of my frens got 'cemerlang' which is something like A. luckily, practical work isnt that important. anyway, on the way towards my happy frens, there is this woman which i do not recognise ask me how many a's i get. i told her 7 and she was like congratulation happilly. i jus smiled back but like i said, i dun noe her.

like matt said, most of the top tens got 7 A's and 8 A's for the Islam. sadly, our class, i think less than 15 or around thre scored straight A's. a few of the top tens that didnt make it was, adrienne, eng khim and yee leng. all three of them were smart and besides, adrienne, the other two beat me down flat during normal class position. i am not sure bout yee leng but eng khim got one B for history which is something he deserves it.

history exam was terrible. insted of asking questions on history itself, they actually asked moral values which was stated in any text or reference books. and is not one or two question, but more lik 5 or 6 questions. mayb eng khim jus by luck didnt get the right answer for that stupid question. after all, i jus simply circle when come to those questions.

after the results collecting, sheng decided to celebrate at pyramid. 8 of us went all though not all of us scored straight A's. Adrienne and Marissa was amng us who did not scored straight A's. the other six was me, matthew, ryan, alan, sheng ling and yew han.
we went to kim gary and took our lunch first. me, matthew and alan shared cheese baked rice chicken chop to save our money. me and matthew shared a lychee drink oso. the rest than decided to play archery while me and matthew went to find something else to eat. after all, we ate very little compared to the rest. matt ate mcdonalds while i took wraps with a cup/glass (it was a plastic glass) of lemon tea. we then went bowling while adrienne and marissa went shopping.

bowling to me was relaxing as it is one of the few sports that dun required lot of strength and sweating. as usual, ryan and alan lead the competition battling among another. but alan the more athletic got first with ryan holding second. by luck, i was third. if i am not mistaken, matthew was fourth, sheng ling was fifth and yew han was sixth.

later we went to jco doughnut. i never tried before so i tot of buying some. me and matthew shared a box of half dozen doughnuts since we cnt eat it all anyways. i bought doughnut with the flavouring of, chunky chunky, coffee something and mango. the coffee and mango was nice except that the mango center cream is a bit too creamy. the chunky chunky was nice from the outside but inside is jus an empty dough unlike the other two. although mango is only on the top layer, but its cream made it feels like is everywhere around the doughnut.

we went home seperatly on our ways. me and alan followed matthew's dad car. i seen matt's dad before but never really talk to him. his dad is sounded very jolly and happy type of guy although he have the serios kind of face.
my family wished me congrats and so did my family frens (u guys might noe yen ling's parents which is actually a family fren of ours) who got the news through my dad. it was kinda boring cos i missed the amazing race asia 2. when i got home, i started counting the ammount of money get and used.

sum of money i used:
1) RM8 for the kim gary's food
2) Rm7 for the wraps with ice lemon tea
3) about Rm6 for bowling
4) yew han borrowed Rm2 from me
5) jco doughnuts which i payed about Rm7
(syillings is counted as Rm1)

Totaled up: about Rm30

Money left in wallet: About Rm28.

Money got from family in the meantime:
1) Grandpa: Rm10 (he is not rich by the way)
2) Auntie: Rm50
3) Dad Rm50 (for my outing to sunway today)
Totaled up: Rm110

Money earned today: Rm110 - Rm30 = Around Rm80.

that all i get for the moment. my mu said she want to belanja me eat after she get her paycheck. my dad said that he will give me Rm650 more but i dunnpe whether he is saying for real or not.
anyways, getting 7 A's really make myself happy. but with less than one week, the hard part of school have just began.

7 A's. one of my greatest achievements. it is also the day where the 3 gammarian's split into 11 different classes. how i miss my class. it was hands down the best class ever i had ever been. i had never feel so united with my class. even my 'now' class is also not as good as my old class. i can still remember the nervousnesses in me when i stood right infront of pn sulo. waiting for my results. i could also remember matthew jumping like crazy due to overjoy of getting straight a's which he never expected it.
Amazing Race Junior: Ss19 and SS18 (5th place)

Well amazing race junior has finish and so does amazing race junior 2 but as usual, im the host again. anyway this time the race is at ss19 and ss18 area and with prizes sponcered by matthew. we hav four legues insted of one and additional detoue, yield, riddle attack and time draw. we also hav S.O.S and works in teams of 2 insted of individual.

Detour: two task will be given and u hav to pik one only then u can retrieve only after u complete one of the task
Yield: if u are first one to reach a particular spot, u get to paused a person journey for like a minute or two.
Riddle Attack: like any other clues only this one is ina riddle form.
Time Draw: Draw your time and then u hav to paused ur journey according to the time u drawed.
S.O.S: only able to ask help two times only in the entire race.

well, the games wen quite well then other people had expected excpet for the very last bit when a rain started and paused everyone journey. bcos of that, we decided to stop the game and that is why we didnt managed to complete the 3rd legue and the 4th leaugue. well, anyway, the two other legues went quite well and we hav a proper winner with no clahsy in the middle of the race. there are some clues which is very hard and causes many to scratch thier head like:

find a bus stop that is not use by the public only a certain people (this is actually my hardest). many of them pick lick hung bus stop. their are only rite haf way through cos is actually at SMKSU bus stop. well, im not going to tell u the whole thing as it might take the whole day but it was kinda fun even for me. below is the list of the contestant:

Matthew + Ryan
Natalie + Jo ann
Zheng Yi + Marissa
Eng Khim + Wan Jun
Yew Han + Sheng Ling

those are the orginal team althoguht in the second league there are a few changes and the same goes to the third cos of the contestant wanted to and i see y not. here is the below changes.

Second league changes in team:
Matthew + Sheng
Natalie + Jo Ann
Zheng Yi + Marissa
Eng Khim + Wan Jun
Yew Han was out in the first round and ryan kinda quit

Third league changes in team
Natalie + Jo Ann + Sheng Ling
Eng khim + Wan Jun + Matthew
Zheng Yi + Marissa + Yew Han

below is the list of the placing:

1st league:
1st place: Eng Khim + Wan Jun
2nd place: Natalie + Jo Ann
3rd place: Zheng Yi + Marissa
4th place: Matthew + Ryan
5th: Yew Han + Sheng Ling (next round out)

2nd league:
1st place: Eng Khim + Wan Jun
2nd place: Natalie and Jo Ann
3rd place: Zheng Yi + Marissa
4th: Matthew + Sheng Ling (next round out)

we didnt manage to continue the 3rd league cos downpour started and all of us r stuck at diffrent area. however at the end we met up in sri melur and one by one all of them decided to quit. however, matthew and marissa argued about the winning streak goes to who. matthew said that eng khim and wan jun should get the prize since they won the 1st and 2nd league while marissa complaint that they shoudl split the prize since she and her team mate are the only team that continue their clue hunting evethough is raining. i decide to keep quiet and b the center man and trust me, im not the only one doing it. anyway, im dun noe who get the prize at the end. i was too tired to think about it. well, anyway, below is the list of the placing for the entire race that i think in my opinion:

1st place: Eng Khim + Wan Jun
2nd place: Zheng Yi + Marissa
3rd place: Natalie + Jo Ann
4th place: Matthew + Sheng Ling
5th place: Yew Han (he did get last) + Ryan (he quit! whut else do u expect)

Well, there MIGHT be amazing race junior 3 helding in sunway pyramid the shopping complex. it will be quite hard but at least this time i would not be the host!!! :)

how can i not placing this post as one of the top ten? this is the beginning of the amazing race teen edition (ARTE) and i am the first ever host for this. brings back all the great memories of running like no ones business.
Bad Kasturi Day (4th)

i was on my way to my school for the hang kasturi practice. as i passed through the ss19/6 shop, heavy rain started to poured down. i know it seem like no much of a big deal, but since i got nothing to write im just gone write one my worst day in the week. anyway, when rain poured down obviosly i went to the lik hung school there to take cover. i was alredy soaking wet. many people there stared at me wif wet shirt. i was thinkinh that since im alredy wet, myself just continued the journey to school and so i did. it started to rain 2 times more heavy as i had to do another stop at the flats area.

i took cover one of the roof there waiting for the rain to stop but i didnt. it was 5 minutes to 4pm. im gonna be late if i dun make a move i tot. however i was struck between two choice. there is a two way to the field that leads to SMKSU. one is following the flats while another is going bak to the main road. the main road is faster but i hav to pass a staircase with no roof annd is raing even more heavy. the other choice hav more roof until the end but is a long turn wto the field when i come out of the flats. i pik the flat junction. with my glasses wet, i couldnt se the drain properly so i was kinda scared to cross over it eventhough is not very big. i managed to cross it but the rain is getting worst. plus the field there is full of muds ans puddle. water went into my sock.. duh! i got no choice but to take my next stop on the top of a slide in the playgroung. there is a small roof covering it that is why i picked there.

luckly no one is there to see me as i looked riduculus. i noptice it was alredy 2 minutes to 4pm and im very sure im late. given no choice i ran through the rain and putting myself to the next stop, the nearest bus stop from the school bridge. two person where there look at me in wierd manner as im REALLY WET! since i was so near to the bridge, i just ran towards it.

it was a really hard day even when i reached school. luckly for me , im not the only one late. many people came to me and asked me why am i so wet and this and that. the pk kasturi then asked us to do some running exercise which really kill us. it was something like runnign 5 steps then stop then squad down, then repeat it for like... 20 times. bcos i was jogging, my legs dun hurt but my stomach did abit. that is not the only one. then a few more training that is more or less, running, stop, squad down, going bak then repeat it like 5 to 7 times. it was so damn tiring.

anyway, one girl sprained her feet and was sne tto sit a side. well, that is not whut i want to tell u. the two teacher who suppose to supervise us didnt even bother at all. at least others did come and look and see if they can help and they even called a pbsm member from the morning section to help out. but teachers only continue their chit chatting. is like nothing in the world is happening. i mean, whut is the word supervising meant! well, thats all. nothing much alredy.

this is one of the few bad events which i can remember. it reminded me how much i hated going for the kasturi thing. i had no idea why i went for those practice in the first place.
ARTE Player's Full Point (3rd Place)

Position point:





1st/Season 1, 2nd/Season 2


Zheng Yi

1st/Season 1



2nd/Season 1


Jo Ann

2nd/Season 1, 3rd/Season 6s


Eng Khim

3rd/Season 1&2, 2nd/Season 3&5, 4th/Season 6


Wan Jun

3rd/Season 1&2, 2nd/Season 3



4th/Season 1&2, 1st/Season 4, 5th/Season 5, 2nd/Season2



4th/Season 1, 3rd/Season 3&4, 5th/Season 6


Sheng Ling

5th/Season 1, 3rd/Season 3&6


Yew Han

5th/Season 1&6



1st/Season 2



1st/Season 2



2nd/Season 2


Wei Lian

2nd/Season 2



4th/Season 2, 3rd/Season 4, 4th/Season 5, 1st/Season 6



5th/Season 2



5th/Season 2, 1st/Season 5


Pei Lyn

1st/Season 3


Jia Sheen

1st/Season 3



4th/Season 3, 2nd/Season 4


Jo Yi

1st/Season 4



2nd/Season 4, 1st/Season 6



4th/Season 4, 3rd/Season 5



4th/Season 4, 3rd/Season 5


Gok Heng

4th/Season 5


Hon Sang

4th/Season 6


Extra 'in the lead' Points:




Eng Khim

Leg 1&2/Season 1, Leg 1/Season 2, Leg 1/Season 3, Leg 2,3&4/Season 5


Wan Jun

Leg 1&2/Season1, Leg 1/Season 2, Leg 1/Season 3



Leg 2/Season 2, Leg 1&3/Season 4, Leg 1/Season 6



Leg 2/Season 2, Leg 1/Season 5, Leg 2/Season 6



Leg 3/Season 2



Leg 3/Season 2


Wei Lian

Leg 3/Season 2



Leg 2/Season 3


Sheng Ling

Leg 2/Season 3, Leg 3/Season 6


Jia Sheen

Leg 3&4/Season 3


Pei Lyn

Leg 3&4/Season 3


Jo Yi

Leg 1&3/Season 4



Leg 4/Season 4, Leg 2/Season 6



Leg 4/Season 4



Leg 2/Season 4



Leg 2/Season 4


Gok Heng

Leg 1/Season 5


Jo Ann

Leg 3/Season 6


Total Ranking:

1st: Eng Khim (21 points)

2nd: Matthew (17 points)

3rd: Alan (14 points)

4th: Wan Jun (13 points)

5th: Marissa (10 points)

6th: Aziemah (9 points)

7th: Jo Ann (8 points)

8th: Sheng Ling (8 points)

9th: Ryan (8 points)

10th: Jo Yi (6 points)

11th: Pei Lyn (6 points)

12th: Jia Sheen (6 points)

13th: Yongming (6 points)

14th: Michelle (5 points)

15th: Ivy (5 points)

16th:Zheng Yi (5 points)

17th: Adrienne (5 points)

18th: Wei Lian (5 points)

19th: Farhanah (5 points)

20th: Aqila (5 points)

21st: Annie (5 points)

22nd: Natalie (4 points)

23rd: Gok Heng (3 points)

24th: Hon Sang (2 points)

25th: Yew Han (2 points)

26th: Bryan (1 point)

P.S: the position for the one with same points will be placed according i)to the number of season they join (the least the better) ii) based on all the legs in all the season they joined iii) the sound of the name which is suitable to come first.

this post is third place beause i put a lot of effort into and i am quite proud of this post. some of you guys might not like it but this is my blog so my choice, right? besides this is one of the post where readers dun have to read much.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Gang Cina (2nd place)

for the past 3 years, i have made lots of new and old friends. we didnt appeal to each other at first but slowly our group began to enlarge. 2005 was when the group began, 2006 was when the group slowly vanished and 2007 was when our group was bigger than ever. by 2007, matthew and sheng ling proudly call us the Gang Cina. we are not exactly gangster or anything but is just that we are all chinese students and enjoy mixing together. it was a sad thing that 2 of our members had left to another country, Thailand and Canada due to personal reasons.

starting of 2005, i only mixed with ryan and yew han, two of my closest friends left from my primary good friends. we were still shy with the surrounding so we only mixed with each other only. it didnt take long before yew han began mixing with another group of friends, hon sang, nigel, lih shyan and the rest. me and ryan also began to mix with other friends who is in the same class as us. i began to mix with eng khim who is also one of my primary friend. ryan bring in alan while i brought in wan jun. wan jun is consider as the first new friend i made in smksu. we were then a group of good friends.

me, ryan, alan, eng khim and wan jun were the beginning of the gang cina. when moral class begin, i started to know matthew through switching email address. we werent that close yet but we did chat for awhile in the msn messenger. slowly, he became the new member of the gang cina, making us all boys. matthew eventually started to argue with yee leng, his primary school mate and alan was eventually was in the same neighbourhood as yvonne.

yvonne and yee leng werent an official of the gang cina yet that time. insted, somehow we began mixing with two of the smartest girl in our class, sheng ling and wei lian. the girl group of the gang cina began. sheng knew wei lian and yee leng. yvonne was close with marissa and adrienne. yee leng and yvonne eventually began quite close. from then onwards, we were one big family. the 12 of us often sits in group gossiping about

anything we could think of. a new game was also invented by someone (i think is ryan) which eventually named Matthew's Lame Game due to his often request of the game. it was something like our group's trademark.
and of 2005 and early 2006 didnt go well to our gang. yvonne started mixing with bianca which eventually followed a group of school gangster pulling yee leng's intrest. marissa and adrienne also split off. sheng, wei lian, alan and ryan become thight friends. matthew started 'going out' with yee leng. me, eng khim and wan jun began to mix with a new batch of friends, nigel, bryan, natalie, annie and cheam. matthew and yee leng the end broke up and restart the world war three. matthew from there mix with the malay girls which is also my friends from my primary school, nadzlin, hanisah and alya. we seldom chat with each other from then onwards.

it seems like the end of the gang cina until mr ang began pouring us with hard homeworks. we have to put a side of our diffrences and help each other out with the math work. the gang cina was not destined to end yet as more things came out which pull us back together. matthew and sheng ling started discussing about being the next afternnon session prefects BOD. tennis lesson forced alan to invite me and ryan to join along the lesson. sheng ling was also intrested in tennis. matthew also became close friends with us back. our group was down to matthew, me, sheng, ryan, alan and wei lian.

later on, i managed to pull wan jun and eng khim to the gang. adrienne, marissa and sheng hav a basketball tournament which also become another reason to restore the gang cina. the gang enlarge to one more member when yee leng decided to join adrienne and marissa. our gang was now short of yvonne but there was nothing we can do at that time. the game Mafia was introduced at the end of 2006. yvonne got intrested and play along. the game didnt last long but our friendship did.

2007 began and sheng started mixing with hon sang and yew han. our group was then enlarge to three new members, hon sang, yew han and lih shyan. we sometimes will group together and chat about anything. we were now one big happy group. bryan and bianca sometimes join us. i felt so happy that time. it was a feeling of a second family was with me. partys and outing constantly happen around us (althoug most of the time i didn go). sadly, during early august, wan jun left to ontario, canada. it didnt take long before wei lian too had to leave to bangkok, thailand. we really miss them but our friendship was still connected by the power of one of the greatest technology, msn mesenger.matthew gave a name to our wonderful group, the gang cina.

now that 2008 is coming and we will be splitted to diffrent class next year, the bond between us might not stay the way they are. for all the best, that we will still be the best of friends.

Eng Khim
Hon Sang
Lih Shyan
Sheng Ling
Wan Jun
Wei Lian
Yee Leng
Yew Han

i know this post will not be as nice as what matthew and sheng sould put it but i jus got nothing to post and felt like posting something. this is a post with no proper planning except the tittle. and again, friends forever!!

second place goes to this post cos it reminded me of all my greatest friends which i had. i had nevber been into such a great group and honestly, i am saying it from the deepest of my heart. most of you guys hted wan jun already but this was a previous post and i dont atempt to change it anyways.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

1st Place

1st Place (Blogging)

hi everyone!! this is my first time writing a blog. the only reason i made this blog is to discover how fun izit. according to my friends it is very cool. well, so im here. besides i got lots of things to talk about my life. to me i think my life is intresting enough. lets see, all the intresting things happen in my life before i made this blog from young till now, that will be, a taifun hit my school, and so did a fire, haze storm happens, raining ice (x2), sat on a bumby safari ride, solve a haunted mansion, almost get crushed in an escalator (not lift. i can tell the diffrence), got lost when i was young, my house maid ran away, my granfather's backyard is a chicken farm, my father used to owned a cow, some of my family members got, well, robbed, family's friends involved in a criminal case, almost get hit by a car. overall, i think my life is intresting enough and im only 14. well more stories coming if this excitment doesn't stop!

the reason i picked this post as number 1 is becos this is the beginning of all the rest of my post and the reason why i can finally reach my 100th post! i know is not what you guys expected but in my opinion, this post deserve my BEST POST for my 100 Anniversary Post!!!