Friday, March 28, 2008

Hari Keluarga (7th Place)

Hari Keluarga is over. though i did not last myself to the end but i tink i can consider myself as one of the most hardworking in our class food booth (note: i seldom bragged about myself, i tink). the reason i said so is because i hated walking in crowded place so i prefered to be stucked inside the food booth and since im free, i worked there for almost the whole day. i didnt even played any games during the hari keluarga. maybe bought a few things but 50% of things i bought is from our food booth itself. however, i did went an explore around, crowded. thats all i can say. a few stallas i spotted that attracted me besides the food stalls are:

1) our class be turned into Secret Cafe (replica of Secret Recipe i tink)
2) 3Gamma (my class) hair saloon, damn crowded.
3) Moon Buck, is a food stall but it reminds me of Star Buck.
4) Get Your Revenge, some splashing water ballon on people u wan revenge on.
5) Spook houese, grind house, ghost house, there are 3 rumah hantu and all also very sucessful
6) bowling alley, VERY EMPTY! our hair saloon is actually sharing stall with the bowling alley stall and is so empty compared wif ours.
7) gladiator competition, some one on one comp games.
8) a stall selling magazines, that is quite unique.

well, thats merely all i noticed around. is rely crowded and i hav to squeeze myself here and there. so i stucked myself in the food booth where i helped there alot. becaose of that, i knew excatly who helped out in the food booth and how long.

Who helped in the food booth:
1) pn. sulo, she did the most work of all.
2) Hanisah, also helped alot but disapear to somewhere when we need the biggest help of all (the time when the crowds NEED nasi tomato, roti jala and pasta)
3) Matthew (help to scream and jump around but he did help, not hardworking though)
4) Me
5) Afiq, didnt help most of the time but he gave a gret help during the part when we need lots of help.
6) Yvonne, she helped for awhile after her cheer.
7) Wei Lian, helped almost at the end of hari keluarga, selling the fruit punch.
8) Alya, she also helped alot and most of the time as well.
9) Ros, im not sure whut she did but i remembered she helped.
10) Ryan, helped for awhile wif the fruit punch.
11) Sheng L, helped for awhile wif ryan wif the Fruit Punch.
12) Natalie, helped alot when the "big help needed" time almost over.
13) Yew Han, i remember once where only me, him and pn sulo left in the booth.
14) Muz, he came over after the end of the saloon and helped me wif the nasi tomato.
15) Leon, he helped at first wif the heavy work but loaf of later.
16) Heng Wai, helped screaming only.
17) Adrienne, she helped for ahwile then complaint to pn. sulo that she is tired.
18) Bryan, helped during the starting but off to the saloon later.
19) Hon Sang, same as bryan.
20) Khaled, helped me during the coming of the second batch of nasi tomato.
21) Wan Jun, my best assistant.

those who helped me (i didnt say im the boss but those who tlaked to me and helped each other):
1) Pn. Sulo
2) Wan Jun
3) Muz
4) Yvonne
5) Afiq
6) Yew Han
these people helped me wif the plastic, my worst nightmare.

when the roti jala, pasta and nasi tomato became a great sale, we hav to opened all those sticky plastic bag and is not easy at first. most of us were stucked with it and evendo we opened it, our packing service was terrible. is hard to make it stand horizontally in the vertically standing plastic bag (if u didnt help u wont understand whut am i saying). plus we hav to hurry bcos that was the time when most customer got hungry and they were hurrying us. becos of that pn sulo came out wif a plan which is to opened up all the plastic first and i did as was told. it did became easier. and after awhile, i had no problem wif opening the plastic and packing. lol.

i have listed the food we sold according to the best sold position:
18th: FRUIT JUICE, didnt even sold a sip. (by, Pn Sulo)
17th: ICE LOLLY, only sold 2, if not mistaken. (by, Pn Sulo)
16th: BLUEBERRY BUN, not many bought it cos is expensive and looked ugly. (?)
15th: CHOCOLATES, sold only 5. (by, me)
14th: CORNFLAKES CHOCOLATE, it made a better hit compared to the bun and chocolate. (by, Natalie)
13th: CHOCOLATE CAKE, okey, some bought. (by, Alan)
12th: CURRYPUFF, many ladies love to buy it. (by, Afiq)
11th: MURUKU, not a bad sale actually. (by, Pn Sulo)
10th: CHOCOLATE MUFFINS, is was not a good sale at first but sold finished at the end (by, marissa)
9th: ROCK BUNS, appetizing, (?)
8th: CARBONATED DRINKS, i was only a gud hit at the end of the day. (by Pn Sulo)
7th: CHOCOLATE CHIPPED MUFFIN, it sold of first but amount not outstanding. (by Sheng Ling)
6TH: HERSHEY BROWNIES, is was not huge hit at first until the end. (by, Hanisah)
5th: CHICKEN WING, sold of finished second placing but amount not outstanding enough. (by Wan Jun)
4th: PASTA, sold of third but again, amount is less than 70. (by Annie)
3rd: ROTI JALA, sold of fourth and people asked for more when is sold out. (by Ros)
2nd: FRUIT PUNCH, have to refil the tank almost 3 times. (by Hanisah)
1st: NASI TOMATO, is was supposed to be the third to be sold of but pn sulo called for second batch and people actually waited fopr one hour for the nasi tomato to arived. plus the amount is alot and is sold out at the end! (by Pn Sulo and Alya)

our hais saloon is also a gret buiseness thanxs to:
1) Zarul
2) Khaled
3) Murthadha
4) Hasif
5) Muzzafar
6) Izzudin
7) Marissa
8) Li Hsien
9) Yee Leng
10) Nadzlin
11) Annie
12) Bryan
13) Hon Sang
14) Syafiqah
15) Lih Shyan
16) Khairie.

i wanted to highlighted my hair atfirst but when i found out matt is number 32, i totally forget about the idea. plus the line and crowd is so UGGH!! so i jus skipped the whole thing.

thats merely all. we took pictures when it comes to the end. it ws not bad i tink. i kinda enjoyed myself except the fact that i did not sell most of my chocolates bcos teachers promoted it late like 1.30pm and that time all go home and not intrested in tit bits anymore. T.T. but i did sold many things and im glad i actually did put lot of effort in it. evendo u guys may not noticed it but i standed in that booth working like hell from 9.30am - 1.30pm wif 2 breaks in the middle but not long.

i left at 2. i hope our class won. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bless me. oh ya, almost forget, i had to wear two layer of glasses during the day, my nromal glasses and a pair of sunglasses. i had to protect my red, bloody eyes to avoid scraing customer. however, cheam and afiq persuaded me to take it off but i didnt the end.

thats it, i noe this post is long. sry bout that. :P

i didnt post about the trip to melaka which is my first school/class trip of my life and was one of my few best day ever. how i love that trip. i had never had so much fun even when i went out with my family. well, i didnt post about the melaka trip but this post is almost as good.

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